Collaborative Future

How organizations identify, hire, retain and work with external advocates, associates and consultants  can become a strength or a weakness of the organization.

Workplace Culture:

Workplace culture thrives in the attitudes of employees, in the setting of goals and in the communication of values to associates and customers. “Your brand is only a promise – the culture either fulfills or breaks that promise.”

Engagement and productivity:

How organizations affect the engagement level of an employee are inherently different from how they build engagement among contractors, consultants and remote-working.  It is important to be adaptable and intentional about experimenting, understanding and focusing on what works.

Recruitment and on-boarding:

Organizations will need to adapt and find more effective ways of recruiting talent, and how to make it easier and more effective to hire external advocates and consultants.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer an option for companies.

Geoffrey Hinton, known as the “godfather of AI,” now, he sees artificial intelligence as a relatively imminent “existential threat.” Martin Heidegger,  draws attention to technology’s place in bringing about our decline by constricting our experience of things as they are.